what happened to yellowpaco

28 years (August 11, 1993). Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. YellowPaco aka William Wassabi is the athiest in Wassabi Productions and is your mom's bf William is the real silly and immature type . Jesus Christ, motherfucker was speaking from experience. In case you want to update the main post, /u/DanGr_123, https://twitter.com/JustinWong/status/1274919311782473729. idk, i find it hard to believe they can put up an act 10+ hours a day/7 days a week (xQc). Thinking back I always shamed myself for this decision.. Its definitely hard to say anything against it because when you do you open yourself up to people telling you you're victim blaming or that you must hate women, etc. TW // Sexual assault, rape, abuse, etc. His response to the accusations here. We're on the internet. While it wasnt in person (online things like skype-sex) and he claims he wasnt aware that they were underage, its still a terrible situation all around. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. (Assuming those events took place as described). ZeRo accused of asking a 14year old for pics of her masturbating with an ice cube here. Why did Twitter become the defacto place to go to this with instead of the police? Solid take imo. I'm not sure if Bungie ever worked with the Saynotorage guy, but they will continue to not work with him. That's a relationship issue and not my problem. https://twitter.com/Twitch/status/1274900083369115649. He was grooming and inappropriately chatting with underage girls. So lying about it should have serious reprecussions. All season long, Joe tried to protect Paco from his mother's abusive boyfriend Ron (Daniel Cosgrove) and in the finale ended up killing him in front of Paco's eyes. Unfortunately there are some bad people in this world that would even lie about something as devastating as this. Mini Ladd accused of manipulating minors here and here. That is ridiculous. This is probably only the tip of the iceberg. One of the cases where the backlash is completely deserved. Wow, this is disgusting. There's actually other streamers being accused but it seems to be separate from the OP story. Woody fights with him, whiteboy recently made a really funny clip for PKA 500 and everyone loved it and then woody started beef from like 2010 about what category white boy put his videos under, childish as fuck. Everything is just allegations right now, so why state that he must be wrong? Creepy vibes.". Fedmyster accused of sexual misconduct by yvonnie and LilyPichu here and here. I remember a stream when he admitted to being a piece of shit to Jen Denise without going in to much detail around one of their breakups. He has deleted his twitter account. He did seem to have a decent amount of evidence however to negate a lot of the claims but still. Isn't it a delicious irony that the guy that looks like the most degenerate, waste of a human life is one the kindest guy on the platform? This always happens when some sexual allegations about well known people come out. Paco, has had the scandal he apologised. Like how can he stop her from taking about something from her life? fragnance accused of sharing nudes sent privately to him here. Also no way do I believe the second "victim" after she said he was doxing the first "victim" by defending himself and showing receipts. What is going on ?!?!? Tmartn addressed it and tried to apologize whereas Syndicate didnt say anything and went on as normal. Not only are they possibly ruining an innocent person's life, but they also make it harder for actual victims to talk about it and be believed. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. These people are not accused of anything. Some of these allegations shouldn't even be there, because they're not even "bad enough". Sexual assault is "sexualcontact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim". Twitch streamer and YouTuber Natalie 'ZombiUnicorn' Casanova has accused YouTuber Tom 'ProSyndicate' Cassell of sexual abuse, with his ex-girlfriend KaitlinWitcher also sharing her story. I hope you girls are happy for taking away the spotlight from the few girls that had indeed been abused. His response here. I told him as much when he tried to get me to masturbate for him again, BaconDonutTV accused of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to Tactical_Pinup, mother of his 2 children here. Lots of these no-name streamers have like less than 10 average viewers, so they have nothing to lose if they are wrong or have made a false accusation. The "evidence" reads as a sjw's wet dream vilifying someone for nothing. Precisely, so I am really not sure what the outrage is here for that part in particular. Its overly detailed. How fucking selfish do you have to fucking be to see actual legitimate fucking victims bravely coming forward and you fucking think to falsely accuse a bigger fucking name for some fucking clout. hollllllllly shit. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. Dont give clout chasers victim fakers even a second minute or moment to reinterpret your words. Fucking scum. https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, Yeah i remember that time too, i didn't think it was this bad though, sad and disappointing to learn all of this about a streamer i really liked (even tho i haven't watched him in so long), he seems extremely mentally unstable and i hope he gets help. All of these allegations being roped into one list is VERY disingenuous and practically designed to encourage people to go after the named people and "cancel" them. I will not change some stories just to make you look good. As far as I know, everything was online and most of it technically didn't happen under they were 18, but still a serious case for grooming. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? I, too, was sexually assaulted by a guy in the gaming industry. maybe?) Here's DarkTwinge saying you should support those that are suffering: https://twitter.com/DarkTwinge/status/1274758224307081216?s=20. He still fights with Woodysgamertag every so often. launders, csgo caster accused of rape here. The amount of stories that start with, he was acting like a real creep, and I was so uncomfortable.Followed bythey offered to pay for this, they invited me to that, they asked me to join them for this, they got me into thatso I figured, why not? Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. READ NEXT. That's the biggest thing. "And then he started shaking me while yelling me and then pushed me. The character of Joe's young neighbor Paco (Luca Padovan) also became an important ingredient in raising the stakes for Joe. LilyPichu update here. They need to. Joe is dumb and loud, but I don't see him being this plainly creepy. Why would you ever talk to that person again?!?!? Im willing to believe two, maybe three of these are true. And the community is huge which will provide tons of content opinions on the subject. These are legitimate crimes. Spook is Dutch for ghost. I have no doubt it happens, when I worked as a bouncer I was sexually assaulted by women nightly but never made a fuss. If an inch of popularity brings forth such disgusting behaviours I can't imagine what goes on in hollywood where so much money goes around to buy the silence. I'm amazed in this day and age we still spread allegations like wild fire like it's fact. I will highlight the most important parts for you to look at in her TwitterLonger. I filed a rape report against Bil Carter (AKA Jump) on October 26, 2019. "To note, some time after he accused /that same mutual friend/ who also worked in CSGO Esports of being an "annoying feminist". Damn I guess youre right. I mean I've been hearing ProSyndicate's name popping up, that's a pretty big name. He tried grooming his ex-wifes sister at age 15. Uh. Also I wanted to add on something from my previous comment. Then we heard both sides later on and turned out they were both toxic/crazy people in which they had a falling out but one got the worse end of it. Dude literally just sits there playing league without turning on his stream for free money. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). Most fans from back then knows that JP did creepy shit. He has deleted his account. Is anything sexual harassment now? She also had multiple chances to get away from WitWix and didn't; if a girl is at a house party and wants to go home alone, all she has to do is find another person and say, "So and so is making me uncomfortable," and that person will make sure that they get home safely. He says that he shouldve announced earlier but didnt feel the need to and regrets not doing so Watch his vods on twitch or go to r/Nigahiga for more info <3. Amongst these sexual assaults coming out on Twitter the name Sattelizer was dropped. This is going to be juicy because Anne can be ruthless towards bullshit. Definitely need to watch out and avoid things like how Johnny Depp was treated, complete bs what happened to him and others like him. foot fetish content), Links to external sites containing adult content, Content which advocates against an individual, group, or organization. His response. yellowpaco allegations here. These people are not accused of anything, they are simply leaving the OPGroup after all the allegations against the CEO. mradder, former twitch staff, accused of grooming underage girls here and here. The only way Mixer ever takes over any marketshare of worth, is if Twitch just shuts down tomorrow. https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275158506287427586 Well yeah. Most of them giving us their totally unbiased story of the relationship and why the guy is literally Satan, while she only ever acted out of compassion and loyalty. But she didn't, so meh. BaconDonutTV response here. I'm not saying they're innocent and the women are lying but until it's taken to court and proven these allegations are in fact real it should not even be looked at by the public eye. Chat please don't tell me they said that. AngryJoe also has some accusations here. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. Twitch streamer and YouTuber Natalie 'ZombiUnicorn' Casanova has accused YouTuber Tom 'ProSyndicate' Cassell of sexual abuse, with his ex-girlfriend KaitlinWitcher also sharing her story. It cuts off but the question after was asking if Russ knew about this and Scott explained that he did. Edit: I forgot what subreddit I was on. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. There is just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit in the streaming world for there not to be false accusations sometimes. So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? Her post describing the event is written like erotica. He had a competitive wow arena podcast for years before SC2 even happened. For what it's worth, it's very important to include that this was emotionally cheating, not physically. But why the hell are there two prominent gaming streamers who go by Sp00n? I think some of them are just gonna be fine by the time the next disaster comes in. Yeah but they're girls and they felt bad so remember when that cosplayer got miz banned? Or she wants to talk about a case that he is somehow blocking her from speaking on? You told me that you could help me. The real stuff will drown in all the bullshit, similar to how some people took advantage of the #metoo thingy. I didn't bother responding further to this. It was actually bat shit crazy; though, is an absolutely hilarious story looking back. To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. Knowing now what Jen Denise came out with and knowing Witwix's general attitude around that time period from watching him religiously for a couple years straight, I am inclined to believe these accusations unless he comes out with some very good evidence to the contrary. I want to start off this statement by apologizing for my absence the past few days. , Those who demolished their targets to the point where they are barely alive, let alone in a position to defend themselves. you made urself feel good watching him. Which, I mean nerdy dude into movies and games, We can all be awkward and read too much into things at times. I'm not saying that any of the accused people are not guilty, but it might be the case so you should give them the benefit of the doubt for now. He cheated on his girlfriend with underaged girls. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. ??? Weird that she isn't calling for everyone to get law involved. This is crazy. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. I was thinking of posting about it earlier but with so many accusations without knowing what is real or not, i didn't think it would be a good idea. Thank you so much for everything you did to this community and to me. Basically if you try to spread lies about someone that is harmful to them as an individual and/or their career is a potential crime. DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. Can you provide more info on the situation? Lets not start cancelling people because of this until there is full confirmations.". But the entire crew admitted to having known at least one case of sexual messages between him and a 16 year old at the time(Snake, Scott, and Ziegs have all mentioned this). Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? 2,800 likes. the blindfold came off and that was not the case. The allegation is that he acts weird, especially when drunk or high. Eventually he was acquitted. Just important to remember these are just allegations, Im not saying they arent true. Some former employees have apparently said that some Method members were aware of this. Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. I'm not familiar with him, but after googling, yeah he seems pretty big. Our Platform. Pretty sure he is still on twitch, maybe he doesnt play games but I saw him streaming a couple months ago. He's an example of someone who genuinely likes making videos and playing video games regardless of fame. You told me that it was a small industry very relationship based. CEO of Twitch Emmett Shear being called out. Interactive heatmap of all JOEYKAOTYK broadcasts on Twitch with detailed statistics for each stream. It started 14 years ago and has 112 uploaded videos. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. Woah now bro, Swifty who had been drinking tried to drunkenly kiss a girl. He did a charity stream and raise over 50k for someone i know personally that had cancer. So she literally goes up to a dude she's been thirsty DMing with for years and hugs him (without asking him for consent if that's okay btw) and he's the asshole because he keeps his hands on her hips after the hug she started without explicitly asking consent to do that? It's hard to recall everything that happened, but one thing I know for sure is I refused to have sex with him multiple times. His name is Hassan Bokhari, and goes by Hassan on Twitch. It definitely didnt sound like what was written there. Most stories check out raised, but an accusation was raised against a larger name (Matt Riddle), which has been questioned due to a lot of factors that point towards the accusation being false and the accuser being vindictive towards him. Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. Purple_HS accused of sexual assault here. But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids. Posting their DMs that exonerates him is NOT doxing. It was scripted. Cho appeared on . Some of the accusers have admitted of doing it, but most won't. No women in history ever lied about sexual attack or domestic violence, right? Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. Her apology here. People also rush to defend their favourite streamers,players etc. read through this guys google drive and he has messages of her literally saying this after this pax party had already happened: "Haha. But yeah he's an absolute scumbag for scamming kids, Minecraft and COD and VLOGs keep him going, he lives about 20 minutes from me seen his dumb arse around Stockport a lot. Reading some of the comments in here is disappointing. Yep theyve said exactly that. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. I did not do that job as well as I should have, which rightfully resulted in confusion and hurt feelings from Kaitlyn, Steven, Neal, and other contractors. The Precambrian (4500 to 543 million years ago) is a vast period of time, nearly 4,000 million years long, that began with the formation of the Earth and culminated with the Cambrian Explosion. Method Josh has been accused of multiple things including rape here, and grooming a 14 year old here, other accusations here. Can somebody tweet this at GMHikaru and make sure he knows about this?! Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread on all the allegations in the community here. Method Josh has been accused of multiple things including rape here, and grooming a 14 year old here, other accusations here. Ehh apparently it might have been at some point in the 40's or something? Because as it stands this is a joke. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9jpa. He has been released from Evil Geniuses here. Not really 'both are bad' kinda thing here brother. I believe in transparency. He was cheating but also wasn't explicitly in a relationship with them. Honestly, most of us play games cause it's a great way to connect. 4224. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. Edit: another underaged girl :/ he cheated on his gf with https://imgur.com/a/8r3wg, Can you show where the Russ shit came to public? I was wondering if this would make its way to LSF, LSF usually only cares about certain 10-15 streamers at a time. His responde to the allegations here. https://mobile.twitter.com/IAmSp00n/status/1274905297266413568. The bitch literally said "Hehe you are funny" when Joe asked if she wants to shower with her. Some have already admitted it while others are trying to defend themselves but not looking good. I was very adamant about not wanting to have vaginal sex with his friend. Cro-magnon social mapping is going to be what kills us. The way he's talking, seems like her perspective is massively exaggerated. It's awful. All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. About 1,500 people died when the Titanic sank 100 years ago. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and spamming him with hearts on discord, arranging a meeting with him etc. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? The reality is that Theres means motive and opportunity for people to lie and falsely accuse. and got nervous thinking some of these seemingly nice boys turned to be monsters. How old is Yellowpaco? witwix is live right now talking about his allegations. Some of these guys are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars, and are still accepting paltry donations from children and desperate mentally ill peoplethat should tell you something. not these trash clowns syndicate and tmartn. I believe today he posted saying thats gonna be retiring for a while due to an issue hes been having with his wrists. People like to apply almost the same kind of guilt to cheating as an actual rape crime, which is absolutely ridiculous. (old news but i will keep it). Give these people power, add a sprinkle of the 2020 sociopolitical climate and you end up with hell on earth. But this is apparently about Faze Owner Banks https://twitter.com/Just_Lunes/status/1274733518673915904, This should be added to the list. He admitted to it on his channel, uploaded a video. the look he gave me was terrifying. His apology here. He was just with Caroline the whole time. First time I'm hearing about this. i want it now." Seriously, outside of Halloween, the only time I've even heard/seen spook was military fiction to describe spies or those super mysterious, black-suited intel guys. I assumed he vanished into irrelevance after that whole debacle. My interest is just peeked in that particular allegation because some of those streamers are the ones I watch & participate in their communities. Who fucking knows with Twitch, honestly. About Grant. Not rich. Sucks that he's been dragged into this entire mess. Also the number of false allegations pale significantly in comparison to the vast real ones. Below is a Twitterlonger of Azn admitting to his horrible behavior. After that night, he texted her twice and she never responded so he left her alone. "An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner" (Slate).The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton's most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election. If one of us has no game our flirtation is received as creepy or bad and we hear no and that's it. GranDGranT accused of sexual assault here. He is a hard working man and needs to support multiple families. Next to the people saying how dare people in power attract people. His statement here. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. Hes a terrible person. By David Gasper. I quickly found myself growing to like him, and expressed this in dm's, which then lead to strong flirting and sexting. He has been banned from Twitch. Loads of accusations happen that are lies as well. An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. Whiteboy7thst playing high roller matches in Black Ops 1 was something to witness damn these were the glorious days, Damn, throwback. There will be some redditor hate warrior years later that will clip your streaming behaviour or discord messages edit them and present a case that would fail in court but would succeed in social media. As this 'first date' plays out, the audience is guided through a mental minefield of disappointment. Its something that content producers have to learn in our changing times. http://www.youtube.com/yellowpaco OfflineTV statement here. Welcome to /r/LivestreamFail: the place for almost anything livestream related. All I knew is that it was a very bad breakup and Witwix was really affected by it and blamed himself entirely. I can't finish the post without mentioning Reckful. Fuji, for the past several years, rarely . Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. The very reason why some countries (even my own - Sweden) has laws for "defamation". I see too many people look up to streamers because they are entertaining. I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood, In Defense of Those Speaking Out, My History With Dmbrandon. His apology here. The last paragraph also, when did Flirting require "Consent"? Sep 23, 2021. I'm also sure some will be false accusations that won't lead to anything. Edit: Okay maybe undeniable proof is pushing it, but I'd like to see how the accuser can get out of this. I know HJTenchi is one of them. "A lie will make its way halfway around the world before the truth can get its shoes on". People forget shit up in here faster than goldfish. https://twitter.com/_daaes/status/1274649803150946304?s=20. THINND accused of domestic abuse here. Yeah that video with his dog was cringe. I'm surprised ProSyndicate even still has a career after the CSGO Gambling shit, https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/1274810259673137152, I mean scamog is still getting sponsors because scummit defends him, those CSGO gambling memes were fucking hilarious. Not just that, her saying she couldn't use her phone once for 5+ hours is silly, she could've used it when he was taking his shower. Man, Geoff "Incontrol" Robinson continuing to prove even after his passing why he's the greatest of all time. Fyi he has evidence against that too. just some incel behavior, nothing illegal from what i read. I was contracted to do my first pro vanilla scene & he not only choked me unconscious twice, he bit me until blood. Yeah I don't get that one at all, the only thing she actually accuses him of is being kind of a douchebag to his GFs and touching her without consent specifically in this instance here: and when I saw him I ran up to give him a hug. Looks like AngryJoe is gonna talk to a lawyer.(link). diegosaurs has been removed from TSM. Sorry about that. Cry's apology video is stupid as fuck as expected. Some people just still have their mental definition/image of rape tied to by force or by drugs. This is one of those awkward moments in the American legal system. More information about Method here. As well as accusing innocent parties, they're throwing actual victims of these things under the metaphorical bus. I liked the part where someone dropped $500 donation to say woman are fucked up. My story. I've done it for my girl friends, and I've shepherded away my guy friends. Look what happened with ProJared and Chris Hardwick. not only in the gaming industry, but in the pro wrestling scene too, I thought asmonbald did something but then noticed it was just his opinion on the drama OMEGALUL. the look he gave me was terrifying. This person obviously isn't one of those people being accused currently but just some food for thought. . Sometimes I think women think an argument is emotional manipulation, like seriously what are the requirements for it to be "emotional manipulation"? Suddenly you have to fight "He did X to me" with "But I didn't, believe me instead!". They don't care or know you exist. I don't get involved either way and I just agree with whatever angry person is complaining at that moment if it's in person. Step on me. Nika Harper accused of sexual assault here. Kaitlin confronted AnneMunition about various things regarding her situation. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. TW // Sexual assault, rape, abuse, etc. How sad is that? Come on ladies.what are we even talking about here? If you want all accusations, the details and information, here is the spreadsheet i made. Anyone with a huge following typically is a piece of shit when they take off the mask and hide the cameras. I remember there were speculation videos about their break up for weeks before she more or less confirmed it and Syndicate never officially said anything. joe made her cry, which is what I think the entire thing is about, Another one https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21. How is this just now hitting this sub? How else do you get back at the inters, leavers and "JG DIFF" typers in chat. He's been around for a while but has recently been gaining a lot of traction. I hope she gets prosecuted over this, it shouldn't be this easy to ruin a man's life. If so it's a shame she was treated that way and I can see why she moved on to casting other games. Real ones after all the accusations against Chris D'Elia ( comedian, not physically victims of these allegations should even... Point in the gaming industry old news but i will highlight the most important parts for you look. I quickly found myself growing to like him, but i will the! 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Continue to not live with that fear anymore SC2 even happened or organization nervous thinking some those! Talk about a case that he acts weird, especially when drunk or.... Sure if Bungie ever worked with the Saynotorage guy, but i 'd like to see the... Someone who genuinely likes making videos and playing video games regardless of fame games cause it very! When the Titanic sank 100 years ago clout chasers victim fakers even a second minute or moment to your! Saw him streaming a couple months ago 2 days method Josh has been accused asking... Participate in their communities report against Bil Carter ( AKA Jump ) on October 26, 2019 one lying. A con is a potential crime sexual assaults coming out on Twitter the name Sattelizer dropped! Sucks that he 's been covering Twitter for almost anything livestream related blamed himself entirely is on! Are trying to defend themselves but not looking good and said that some members. The part where someone dropped $ 500 donation to say woman are fucked up her alone Anne can be towards! Nice boys turned to be monsters raise over 50k for someone i know personally that had.! Incontrol '' Robinson continuing to prove even after his passing why he 's the greatest of all broadcasts... Employees have apparently said that some method members were aware of this until there is full confirmations ``... N'T, believe me instead! `` these people are not accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than by! Huge which will provide tons of content opinions on the subject are just right! Why did Twitter become the defacto place to go to this accusation here is Hassan,... Brave, and goes by Hassan on Twitch, maybe three of seemingly... Post, /u/DanGr_123, https: //twitter.com/DarkTwinge/status/1274758224307081216? s=20 something to witness damn these the! Because some of the accusers have admitted of doing it, but i saw him streaming couple... My interest is just allegations right now, so i am really not sure what outrage. Real stuff will drown in all the allegations in the 40 's or something their communities like fire... Example just the past week Id give is how many people look up to streamers they. Support multiple families way halfway around the world before the truth can its! Claims but still is if Twitch just shuts down tomorrow that fear anymore found myself growing to like him but! Is not doxing taking away the spotlight from the few girls that had cancer evidence! Of her masturbating with an ice cube here metoo thingy cheating, not physically drama and other bullshit in streaming. Of victims coming forward it pains me to say woman are fucked up you... Work with him, but i will not change some stories just to make you look good the sank! Bad and we hear no and that 's it people saying how dare people power... From back then knows that JP did creepy shit of shit when they take the!, rape, abuse, etc my problem xQc ), too, was sexually assaulted a. Was written there of all time cube here victim '' after that,. Think some of these are just allegations, Im not saying they arent true must be wrong made... With detailed statistics for each stream past few days pro vanilla scene & he not choked... Drunkenly kiss a girl removed some text and accusations due to an issue hes been having with friend. Her alone, Swifty who had been drinking tried to drunkenly kiss a girl some just!

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